Zhui ji 8 yue 15 2004

Comedy Sci-Fi

Office Yohji Ho meets a female android who comes from the future, in a drug raid. The android's mission is to ensure the death of Yohji, the elder brother of the future "Father of electronic Chips", so as to help the future scient...

Tous les titres
  • HK: Zhui ji 8 yue 15 Zhui ji 8 yue 15
  • HK: Zhui ji ba yue shi wu Zhui ji ba yue shi wu
  • HK: Hidden Heroes Hidden Heroes
  • HK: 追擊8月15 追擊8月15
  • TW: 追擊八月十五 追擊八月十五
  • HK: Hidden Heroes Hidden Heroes
Date de sortie 19 Aug 2004
Lien IMDb
